2023-24 Men's Basketball Cumulative Statistics (2024)

  • Team
  • Individual
  • Game-By-Game
  • Game Highs
  • Category Leaders

Team Stats (25-10, 14-6)

Overall Team Statistics
Statistic Creighton Opponents OPP
Total Points TOT 2815 2446
Points Per Game PPG 80.4 69.9
Scoring Margin Margin 10.5 --
FG: Made-Attempted FGM-FGA 1016-2101 972-2324
FG: Percentage FG% .484 .418
FG: Per Game FGM/G 29.0 27.8
3PT: Made-Attempted 3PT-3PA 375-1018 209-648
3PT: Percentage 3PT% .368 .323
3PT: Per Game 3PT/G 10.7 6.0
FT: Made-Attempted FTM-FTA 408-518 293-372
FT: Percentage FT% .788 .788
FT: Per Game FT/G 11.7 8.4
Total TOT 1334 1176
Per Game RPG 38.1 33.6
Margin 4.5 --
Total TOT 588 400
Per Game APG 16.8 11.4
Total TOT 372 266
Per Game TO/G 10.6 7.6
Margin -3.0 --
Assist/Turnover Ratio A/TO 1.6 1.5
Points Off Turnovers PTS OFF TO 9.1 12.4
Total TOT 134 210
Per Game STL/G 3.8 6.0
Total TOT 143 99
Per Game BLK/G 4.1 2.8
Total TOT 276300 129071
Per Game AVG 16-17,269 13-9,929


  • Overall
  • Conference
  • Scoring
  • Averages


Overall Individual Statistics
# Player GP GS Minutes FG 3PT FT Scoring Rebounds PF AST TO STL BLK Bio Link
55 Scheierman, Baylor 55 Scheierman, Baylor 35 35 1285 36.7 219 489 .448 110 289 .381 99 113 .876 647 18.5 26 289 315 9.0 58 138 78 32 5 View Bio
23 Alexander, Trey 23 Alexander, Trey 35 35 1305 37.3 232 520 .446 62 183 .339 89 108 .824 615 17.6 18 183 201 5.7 61 165 86 38 15 View Bio
11 Kalkbrenner, Ryan 11 Kalkbrenner, Ryan 35 35 1216 34.7 241 373 .646 16 54 .296 106 149 .711 604 17.3 88 178 266 7.6 66 44 52 13 107 View Bio
01 Ashworth, Steven 01 Ashworth, Steven 35 35 1109 31.7 121 307 .394 80 229 .349 68 75 .907 390 11.1 12 104 116 3.3 68 148 54 17 0 View Bio
13 Miller, Mason 13 Miller, Mason 33 33 718 21.8 61 125 .488 49 108 .454 13 18 .722 184 5.6 29 79 108 3.3 34 13 13 7 2 View Bio
05 Farabello, Francisco 05 Farabello, Francisco 35 0 765 21.9 49 99 .495 29 69 .420 7 10 .700 134 3.8 9 64 73 2.1 50 51 31 19 3 View Bio
41 Traudt, Isaac 41 Traudt, Isaac 31 2 269 8.7 30 69 .435 24 57 .421 5 6 .833 89 2.9 15 23 38 1.2 16 11 4 2 1 View Bio
33 King, Fredrick 33 King, Fredrick 30 0 192 6.4 32 56 .571 0 2 .000 13 25 .520 77 2.6 25 40 65 2.2 29 3 9 2 8 View Bio
15 Dotzler, Josiah 15 Dotzler, Josiah 19 0 77 4.1 10 23 .435 2 11 .182 3 5 .600 25 1.3 1 6 7 0.4 7 3 7 3 0 View Bio
00 Green, Jasen 00 Green, Jasen 25 0 180 7.2 17 26 .654 2 7 .286 3 6 .500 39 1.6 23 20 43 1.7 9 7 8 1 1 View Bio
02 Lawson, Johnathan 02 Lawson, Johnathan 17 0 59 3.5 4 14 .286 1 9 .111 2 3 .667 11 0.6 4 8 12 0.7 5 5 3 0 1 View Bio
TM Team TM Team 35 0 0 0.0 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0.0 44 46 90 2.6 0 0 27 0 0
Total 35 7175 205.0 1016 2101 .484 375 1018 .368 408 518 .788 2815 80.43 294 1040 1334 38.1 403 588 372 134 143
Opponents 35 7175 205.0 972 2324 .418 209 648 .323 293 372 .788 2446 69.89 345 831 1176 33.6 517 400 266 210 99


Conference Individual Statistics
# Player GP GS Minutes FG 3PT FT Scoring Rebounds PF AST AST/G TO STL BLK Bio Link
23 Alexander, Trey 23 Alexander, Trey 20 20 763 38.2 146 309 .472 37 110 .336 43 51 .843 372 18.6 11 101 112 5.6 38 104 5.2 47 26 8 View Bio
55 Scheierman, Baylor 55 Scheierman, Baylor 20 20 761 38.1 129 283 .456 63 163 .387 49 60 .817 370 18.5 17 178 195 9.8 31 74 3.7 46 25 3 View Bio
11 Kalkbrenner, Ryan 11 Kalkbrenner, Ryan 20 20 743 37.2 139 215 .647 8 31 .258 66 89 .742 352 17.6 48 102 150 7.5 40 27 1.4 30 7 67 View Bio
01 Ashworth, Steven 01 Ashworth, Steven 20 20 661 33.1 74 192 .385 47 144 .326 38 44 .864 233 11.7 9 67 76 3.8 44 94 4.7 30 10 0 View Bio
13 Miller, Mason 13 Miller, Mason 20 20 447 22.4 35 79 .443 26 66 .394 5 7 .714 101 5.1 18 48 66 3.3 22 8 0.4 9 6 1 View Bio
05 Farabello, Francisco 05 Farabello, Francisco 20 0 424 21.2 28 54 .519 15 34 .441 2 5 .400 73 3.7 6 36 42 2.1 29 24 1.2 23 10 1 View Bio
00 Green, Jasen 00 Green, Jasen 14 0 107 7.6 9 16 .563 2 7 .286 3 5 .600 23 1.6 9 9 18 1.3 5 5 0.4 4 0 1 View Bio
33 King, Fredrick 33 King, Fredrick 17 0 65 3.8 8 18 .444 0 1 .000 1 2 .500 17 1.0 5 12 17 1.0 12 2 0.1 2 2 3 View Bio
41 Traudt, Isaac 41 Traudt, Isaac 17 0 108 6.4 8 27 .296 8 22 .364 2 2 1.000 26 1.5 5 6 11 0.6 9 5 0.3 2 2 0 View Bio
15 Dotzler, Josiah 15 Dotzler, Josiah 9 0 27 3.0 3 7 .429 0 4 .000 1 2 .500 7 0.8 0 0 0 0.0 6 1 0.1 2 2 0 View Bio
02 Lawson, Johnathan 02 Lawson, Johnathan 8 0 19 2.4 0 5 .000 0 3 .000 0 0 .000 0 0.0 1 1 2 0.3 4 0 0.0 1 0 0 View Bio
TM Team TM Team 20 0 0 0.0 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0.0 25 25 50 2.5 0 0 0.0 18 0 0
Total 20 4125 206.3 579 1205 .480 206 585 .352 210 267 .787 1574 78.70 154 585 739 37.0 240 344 17.2 214 90 84
Opponents 20 4125 206.3 554 1316 .421 126 367 .343 187 235 .796 1421 71.05 197 494 691 34.6 283 232 11.6 164 120 58


Overall Scoring Statistics
# Player GP GS
55 Scheierman, Baylor 55 Scheierman, Baylor 35 35 1285 219 489 .448 110 289 .381 99 113 .876 647 18.5
23 Alexander, Trey 23 Alexander, Trey 35 35 1305 232 520 .446 62 183 .339 89 108 .824 615 17.6
11 Kalkbrenner, Ryan 11 Kalkbrenner, Ryan 35 35 1216 241 373 .646 16 54 .296 106 149 .711 604 17.3
01 Ashworth, Steven 01 Ashworth, Steven 35 35 1109 121 307 .394 80 229 .349 68 75 .907 390 11.1
13 Miller, Mason 13 Miller, Mason 33 33 718 61 125 .488 49 108 .454 13 18 .722 184 5.6
05 Farabello, Francisco 05 Farabello, Francisco 35 0 765 49 99 .495 29 69 .420 7 10 .700 134 3.8
41 Traudt, Isaac 41 Traudt, Isaac 31 2 269 30 69 .435 24 57 .421 5 6 .833 89 2.9
33 King, Fredrick 33 King, Fredrick 30 0 192 32 56 .571 0 2 .000 13 25 .520 77 2.6
15 Dotzler, Josiah 15 Dotzler, Josiah 19 0 77 10 23 .435 2 11 .182 3 5 .600 25 1.3
00 Green, Jasen 00 Green, Jasen 25 0 180 17 26 .654 2 7 .286 3 6 .500 39 1.6
02 Lawson, Johnathan 02 Lawson, Johnathan 17 0 59 4 14 .286 1 9 .111 2 3 .667 11 0.6
Total 35 7175 1016 2101 .484 375 1018 .368 408 518 .788 2815 80.43
Opponents 35 7175 972 2324 .418 209 648 .323 293 372 .788 2446 69.89

Player Averages

Individual Player Averages
# Player GP
55 Scheierman, Baylor 55 Scheierman, Baylor 35 36.7 .448 .381 .876 0.7 8.3 9.0 3.9 0.9 0.1 18.5
23 Alexander, Trey 23 Alexander, Trey 35 37.3 .446 .339 .824 0.5 5.2 5.7 4.7 1.1 0.4 17.6
11 Kalkbrenner, Ryan 11 Kalkbrenner, Ryan 35 34.7 .646 .296 .711 2.5 5.1 7.6 1.3 0.4 3.1 17.3
01 Ashworth, Steven 01 Ashworth, Steven 35 31.7 .394 .349 .907 0.3 3.0 3.3 4.2 0.5 0.0 11.1
13 Miller, Mason 13 Miller, Mason 33 21.8 .488 .454 .722 0.9 2.4 3.3 0.4 0.2 0.1 5.6
05 Farabello, Francisco 05 Farabello, Francisco 35 21.9 .495 .420 .700 0.3 1.8 2.1 1.5 0.5 0.1 3.8
41 Traudt, Isaac 41 Traudt, Isaac 31 8.7 .435 .421 .833 0.5 0.7 1.2 0.4 0.1 0.0 2.9
33 King, Fredrick 33 King, Fredrick 30 6.4 .571 .000 .520 0.8 1.3 2.2 0.1 0.1 0.3 2.6
15 Dotzler, Josiah 15 Dotzler, Josiah 19 4.1 .435 .182 .600 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 1.3
00 Green, Jasen 00 Green, Jasen 25 7.2 .654 .286 .500 0.9 0.8 1.7 0.3 0.0 0.0 1.6
02 Lawson, Johnathan 02 Lawson, Johnathan 17 3.5 .286 .111 .667 0.2 0.5 0.7 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.6
Total 35 205.0 .484 .368 .788 8.4 29.7 38.1 16.8 3.8 4.1 80.43
Opponents 35 205.0 .418 .323 .788 9.9 23.7 33.6 11.4 6.0 2.8 69.89


  • Team
  • Opponents
  • Comparison


Game By Game - Team Statistics
vs Florida A&M 11/07/23 105-54 W 38-67 .567 18-38 .474 11-16 .688 17 36 53 53.0 9 21 9 4 2 105 105.0
vs North Dakota St. 11/11/23 89-60 W 33-54 .611 12-28 .429 11-16 .688 7 29 36 44.5 4 18 12 6 7 89 97.0
vs Iowa 11/14/23 92-84 W 32-62 .516 10-29 .345 18-24 .750 9 29 38 42.3 14 19 12 3 2 92 95.3
vs Texas Southern 11/18/23 82-50 W 29-63 .460 14-40 .350 10-12 .833 12 36 48 43.8 7 21 7 4 4 82 92.0
vs Loyola Chicago 11/22/23 88-65 W 32-58 .552 14-27 .519 10-13 .769 7 31 38 42.6 10 16 11 5 2 88 91.2
vs Colorado St. 11/23/23 48-69 L 17-61 .279 6-29 .207 8-13 .615 9 25 34 41.2 7 10 9 3 2 48 84.0
at Oklahoma State 11/30/23 79-65 W 29-55 .527 10-19 .526 11-15 .733 6 32 38 40.7 13 13 10 2 5 79 83.3
at Nebraska 12/03/23 89-60 W 32-69 .464 14-40 .350 11-13 .846 14 34 48 41.6 14 17 12 4 5 89 84.0
vs Central Mich. 12/09/23 109-64 W 41-63 .651 15-31 .484 12-14 .857 6 34 40 41.4 5 28 9 2 2 109 86.8
at UNLV 12/13/23 64-79 L 22-55 .400 8-29 .276 12-13 .923 11 20 31 40.4 10 16 11 5 2 64 84.5
vs Alabama 12/16/23 85-82 W 29-52 .558 6-18 .333 21-29 .724 7 25 32 39.6 16 14 11 5 1 85 84.5
vs Villanova 12/20/23 66-68 L (OT) 23-58 .397 5-24 .208 15-21 .714 10 37 47 40.3 13 10 16 6 5 66 83.0
at Marquette 12/30/23 67-72 L 25-55 .455 12-32 .375 5-6 .833 4 28 32 39.6 16 18 18 1 5 67 81.8
at Georgetown 01/02/24 77-60 W 33-59 .559 8-25 .320 3-3 1.000 12 30 42 39.8 10 22 14 5 2 77 81.4
vs #23 Providence 01/06/24 69-60 W 26-54 .481 7-23 .304 10-14 .714 7 35 42 39.9 11 9 13 2 4 69 80.6
at DePaul 01/09/24 84-58 W 30-61 .492 12-32 .375 12-17 .706 6 31 37 39.8 16 19 6 4 8 84 80.8
vs St. John's (NY) 01/13/24 66-65 W 22-60 .367 6-27 .222 16-21 .762 11 29 40 39.8 8 12 7 4 4 66 79.9
at #1 Connecticut 01/17/24 48-62 L 18-52 .346 6-26 .231 6-6 1.000 6 26 32 39.3 14 8 14 5 3 48 78.2
at Seton Hall 01/20/24 97-94 W (3 OT) 35-82 .427 13-36 .361 14-19 .737 8 37 45 39.6 14 23 6 10 5 97 79.2
vs Xavier 01/23/24 85-78 W 28-57 .491 11-28 .393 18-25 .720 8 28 36 39.5 14 15 9 2 4 85 79.5
vs DePaul 01/27/24 85-62 W 31-64 .484 12-34 .353 11-12 .917 8 33 41 39.5 9 17 10 0 2 85 79.7
vs Butler 02/02/24 98-99 L 34-62 .548 9-25 .360 21-24 .875 8 28 36 39.4 11 14 9 2 2 98 80.5
at Providence 02/07/24 87-91 L (OT) 33-65 .508 14-29 .483 7-8 .875 5 28 33 39.1 14 20 12 3 5 87 80.8
at Xavier 02/10/24 78-71 W 31-64 .484 7-28 .250 9-11 .818 6 31 37 39.0 13 23 11 5 5 78 80.7
vs Georgetown 02/13/24 94-72 W 34-58 .586 17-36 .472 9-13 .692 6 27 33 38.8 12 25 9 5 3 94 81.2
at Butler 02/17/24 79-57 W 31-60 .517 8-25 .320 9-10 .900 6 31 37 38.7 8 19 8 1 8 79 81.2
vs UConn 02/20/24 85-66 W 29-53 .547 14-28 .500 13-17 .765 10 20 30 38.4 13 18 7 5 3 85 81.3
at St. John's (NY) 02/25/24 66-80 L 25-63 .397 6-26 .231 10-12 .833 13 22 35 38.3 12 15 13 9 1 66 80.8
vs Seton Hall 02/28/24 85-64 W 31-57 .544 13-32 .406 10-13 .769 8 27 35 38.1 16 20 15 6 10 85 80.9
vs Marquette 03/02/24 89-75 W 33-61 .541 13-32 .406 10-12 .833 6 29 35 38.0 10 19 7 6 5 89 81.2
at Villanova 03/09/24 69-67 W 27-60 .450 13-37 .351 2-3 .667 6 28 34 37.9 6 18 10 3 6 69 80.8
vs Providence 03/14/24 73-78 L 22-58 .379 6-26 .231 23-26 .885 7 32 39 37.9 13 11 11 5 3 73 80.5
vs Akron 03/21/24 77-60 W 26-46 .565 10-17 .588 15-20 .750 5 33 38 37.9 12 11 14 4 0 77 80.4
vs Oregon 03/23/24 86-73 W (2 OT) 29-75 .387 15-39 .385 13-14 .929 16 32 48 38.2 12 16 11 5 6 86 80.6
at Tennessee 03/29/24 75-82 L 26-58 .448 11-23 .478 12-13 .923 7 27 34 38.1 17 13 9 2 1 75 80.4
Creighton - 1016-2101 .484 375-1018 .368 408-518 .788 294 1040 1334 38.1 403 588 372 143 134 2815 80.4
Opponents - 972-2324 .418 209-648 .323 293-372 .788 345 831 1176 33.6 517 400 266 99 210 2446 69.9


Game By Game - Opponents Statistics
Florida A&M 11/07/23 54-105 L 23-64 .359 1-7 .143 7-9 .778 6 15 21 21.0 14 7 6 5 6 54 54.0
North Dakota St. 11/11/23 60-89 L 25-60 .417 6-14 .429 4-4 1.000 6 16 22 21.5 12 9 10 0 8 60 57.0
Iowa 11/14/23 84-92 L 34-68 .500 6-14 .429 10-14 .714 8 22 30 24.3 18 20 7 6 7 84 66.0
Texas Southern 11/18/23 50-82 L 21-70 .300 4-15 .267 4-6 .667 14 23 37 27.5 12 3 5 1 4 50 62.0
Loyola Chicago 11/22/23 65-88 L 27-61 .443 6-15 .400 5-9 .556 6 21 27 27.4 18 11 10 4 6 65 62.6
Colorado St. 11/23/23 69-48 W 30-63 .476 5-19 .263 4-5 .800 7 36 43 30.0 16 14 8 3 5 69 63.7
Oklahoma State 11/30/23 65-79 L 25-62 .403 7-16 .438 8-11 .727 8 22 30 30.0 15 9 9 2 4 65 63.9
Nebraska 12/03/23 60-89 L 24-71 .338 2-22 .091 10-14 .714 14 23 37 30.9 10 6 8 1 7 60 63.4
Central Mich. 12/09/23 64-109 L 29-73 .397 2-19 .105 4-4 1.000 9 16 25 30.2 14 6 6 2 6 64 63.4
UNLV 12/13/23 79-64 W 32-61 .525 10-22 .455 5-5 1.000 9 22 31 30.3 13 19 6 3 11 79 65.0
Alabama 12/16/23 82-85 L 35-75 .467 4-22 .182 8-13 .615 17 20 37 30.9 25 10 4 1 5 82 66.5
Villanova 12/20/23 68-66 W (OT) 27-66 .409 7-22 .318 7-10 .700 5 28 33 31.1 15 7 8 2 10 68 66.7
Marquette 12/30/23 72-67 W 25-68 .368 9-31 .290 13-16 .813 18 24 42 31.9 7 13 13 2 10 72 67.1
Georgetown 01/02/24 60-77 L 23-60 .383 7-19 .368 7-8 .875 7 14 21 31.1 10 8 6 1 7 60 66.6
#23 Providence 01/06/24 60-69 L 24-65 .369 8-23 .348 4-8 .500 9 25 34 31.3 14 8 8 0 9 60 66.1
DePaul 01/09/24 58-84 L 22-58 .379 5-10 .500 9-13 .692 6 27 33 31.4 15 12 11 5 4 58 65.6
St. John's (NY) 01/13/24 65-66 L 28-69 .406 2-11 .182 7-8 .875 12 29 41 32.0 20 10 7 3 2 65 65.6
#1 Connecticut 01/17/24 62-48 W 25-70 .357 5-19 .263 7-10 .700 21 27 48 32.9 12 13 7 6 8 62 65.4
Seton Hall 01/20/24 94-97 L (3 OT) 36-86 .419 5-14 .357 17-21 .810 14 42 56 34.1 20 14 9 7 4 94 66.9
Xavier 01/23/24 78-85 L 29-71 .408 7-21 .333 13-14 .929 14 27 41 34.5 19 5 5 3 6 78 67.5
DePaul 01/27/24 62-85 L 23-61 .377 3-13 .231 13-14 .929 5 25 30 34.2 11 9 7 2 7 62 67.2
Butler 02/02/24 99-98 W 38-69 .551 13-22 .591 10-13 .769 4 22 26 33.9 21 16 5 1 3 99 68.6
Providence 02/07/24 91-87 W (OT) 34-73 .466 11-26 .423 12-14 .857 13 26 39 34.1 11 15 8 3 9 91 69.6
Xavier 02/10/24 71-78 L 28-66 .424 6-13 .462 9-11 .818 7 26 33 34.0 15 19 11 6 7 71 69.7
Georgetown 02/13/24 72-94 L 26-61 .426 7-19 .368 13-19 .684 11 19 30 33.9 16 11 8 1 5 72 69.8
Butler 02/17/24 57-79 L 24-60 .400 6-22 .273 3-3 1.000 3 22 25 33.5 8 12 11 1 3 57 69.3
UConn 02/20/24 66-85 L 26-59 .441 3-16 .188 11-13 .846 15 17 32 33.5 19 8 9 1 4 66 69.1
St. John's (NY) 02/25/24 80-66 W 34-72 .472 2-8 .250 10-10 1.000 15 27 42 33.8 15 24 3 8 6 80 69.5
Seton Hall 02/28/24 64-85 L 25-60 .417 2-9 .222 12-16 .750 9 19 28 33.6 14 7 13 0 6 64 69.3
Marquette 03/02/24 75-89 L 30-64 .469 9-29 .310 6-10 .600 7 21 28 33.4 9 7 7 3 3 75 69.5
Villanova 03/09/24 67-69 L 27-58 .466 9-20 .450 4-4 1.000 2 27 29 33.3 12 14 8 3 7 67 69.5
Providence 03/14/24 78-73 W 29-70 .414 6-23 .261 14-14 1.000 9 31 40 33.5 19 17 5 3 7 78 69.7
Akron 03/21/24 60-77 L 25-66 .379 6-28 .214 4-6 .667 9 17 26 33.2 20 8 5 1 5 60 69.4
Oregon 03/23/24 73-86 L (2 OT) 31-77 .403 7-21 .333 4-5 .800 14 29 43 33.5 14 13 9 4 4 73 69.5
Tennessee 03/29/24 82-75 W 28-67 .418 11-24 .458 15-18 .833 12 24 36 33.6 14 16 4 5 5 82 69.9
Creighton - 1016-2101 .484 375-1018 .368 408-518 .788 294 1040 1334 38.1 403 588 372 143 134 2815 80.4
Opponents - 972-2324 .418 209-648 .323 293-372 .788 345 831 1176 33.6 517 400 266 99 210 2446 69.9


Game By Game - Comparison Statistics
Florida A&M 11/07/23 105-54 51 38-67/23-64 .567/.359 18-38/1-7 .474/.143 11-16/7-9 .688-.778 53/21 32 21/7 9/6 4/5 2/6 9/14
North Dakota St. 11/11/23 89-60 29 33-54/25-60 .611/.417 12-28/6-14 .429/.429 11-16/4-4 .688-1.000 36/22 14 18/9 12/10 6/0 7/8 4/12
Iowa 11/14/23 92-84 8 32-62/34-68 .516/.500 10-29/6-14 .345/.429 18-24/10-14 .750-.714 38/30 8 19/20 12/7 3/6 2/7 14/18
Texas Southern 11/18/23 82-50 32 29-63/21-70 .460/.300 14-40/4-15 .350/.267 10-12/4-6 .833-.667 48/37 11 21/3 7/5 4/1 4/4 7/12
Loyola Chicago 11/22/23 88-65 23 32-58/27-61 .552/.443 14-27/6-15 .519/.400 10-13/5-9 .769-.556 38/27 11 16/11 11/10 5/4 2/6 10/18
Colorado St. 11/23/23 48-69 -21 17-61/30-63 .279/.476 6-29/5-19 .207/.263 8-13/4-5 .615-.800 34/43 -9 10/14 9/8 3/3 2/5 7/16
Oklahoma State 11/30/23 79-65 14 29-55/25-62 .527/.403 10-19/7-16 .526/.438 11-15/8-11 .733-.727 38/30 8 13/9 10/9 2/2 5/4 13/15
Nebraska 12/03/23 89-60 29 32-69/24-71 .464/.338 14-40/2-22 .350/.091 11-13/10-14 .846-.714 48/37 11 17/6 12/8 4/1 5/7 14/10
Central Mich. 12/09/23 109-64 45 41-63/29-73 .651/.397 15-31/2-19 .484/.105 12-14/4-4 .857-1.000 40/25 15 28/6 9/6 2/2 2/6 5/14
UNLV 12/13/23 64-79 -15 22-55/32-61 .400/.525 8-29/10-22 .276/.455 12-13/5-5 .923-1.000 31/31 0 16/19 11/6 5/3 2/11 10/13
Alabama 12/16/23 85-82 3 29-52/35-75 .558/.467 6-18/4-22 .333/.182 21-29/8-13 .724-.615 32/37 -5 14/10 11/4 5/1 1/5 16/25
Villanova 12/20/23 66-68 -2 23-58/27-66 .397/.409 5-24/7-22 .208/.318 15-21/7-10 .714-.700 47/33 14 10/7 16/8 6/2 5/10 13/15
Marquette 12/30/23 67-72 -5 25-55/25-68 .455/.368 12-32/9-31 .375/.290 5-6/13-16 .833-.813 32/42 -10 18/13 18/13 1/2 5/10 16/7
Georgetown 01/02/24 77-60 17 33-59/23-60 .559/.383 8-25/7-19 .320/.368 3-3/7-8 1.000-.875 42/21 21 22/8 14/6 5/1 2/7 10/10
#23 Providence 01/06/24 69-60 9 26-54/24-65 .481/.369 7-23/8-23 .304/.348 10-14/4-8 .714-.500 42/34 8 9/8 13/8 2/0 4/9 11/14
DePaul 01/09/24 84-58 26 30-61/22-58 .492/.379 12-32/5-10 .375/.500 12-17/9-13 .706-.692 37/33 4 19/12 6/11 4/5 8/4 16/15
St. John's (NY) 01/13/24 66-65 1 22-60/28-69 .367/.406 6-27/2-11 .222/.182 16-21/7-8 .762-.875 40/41 -1 12/10 7/7 4/3 4/2 8/20
#1 Connecticut 01/17/24 48-62 -14 18-52/25-70 .346/.357 6-26/5-19 .231/.263 6-6/7-10 1.000-.700 32/48 -16 8/13 14/7 5/6 3/8 14/12
Seton Hall 01/20/24 97-94 3 35-82/36-86 .427/.419 13-36/5-14 .361/.357 14-19/17-21 .737-.810 45/56 -11 23/14 6/9 10/7 5/4 14/20
Xavier 01/23/24 85-78 7 28-57/29-71 .491/.408 11-28/7-21 .393/.333 18-25/13-14 .720-.929 36/41 -5 15/5 9/5 2/3 4/6 14/19
DePaul 01/27/24 85-62 23 31-64/23-61 .484/.377 12-34/3-13 .353/.231 11-12/13-14 .917-.929 41/30 11 17/9 10/7 0/2 2/7 9/11
Butler 02/02/24 98-99 -1 34-62/38-69 .548/.551 9-25/13-22 .360/.591 21-24/10-13 .875-.769 36/26 10 14/16 9/5 2/1 2/3 11/21
Providence 02/07/24 87-91 -4 33-65/34-73 .508/.466 14-29/11-26 .483/.423 7-8/12-14 .875-.857 33/39 -6 20/15 12/8 3/3 5/9 14/11
Xavier 02/10/24 78-71 7 31-64/28-66 .484/.424 7-28/6-13 .250/.462 9-11/9-11 .818-.818 37/33 4 23/19 11/11 5/6 5/7 13/15
Georgetown 02/13/24 94-72 22 34-58/26-61 .586/.426 17-36/7-19 .472/.368 9-13/13-19 .692-.684 33/30 3 25/11 9/8 5/1 3/5 12/16
Butler 02/17/24 79-57 22 31-60/24-60 .517/.400 8-25/6-22 .320/.273 9-10/3-3 .900-1.000 37/25 12 19/12 8/11 1/1 8/3 8/8
UConn 02/20/24 85-66 19 29-53/26-59 .547/.441 14-28/3-16 .500/.188 13-17/11-13 .765-.846 30/32 -2 18/8 7/9 5/1 3/4 13/19
St. John's (NY) 02/25/24 66-80 -14 25-63/34-72 .397/.472 6-26/2-8 .231/.250 10-12/10-10 .833-1.000 35/42 -7 15/24 13/3 9/8 1/6 12/15
Seton Hall 02/28/24 85-64 21 31-57/25-60 .544/.417 13-32/2-9 .406/.222 10-13/12-16 .769-.750 35/28 7 20/7 15/13 6/0 10/6 16/14
Marquette 03/02/24 89-75 14 33-61/30-64 .541/.469 13-32/9-29 .406/.310 10-12/6-10 .833-.600 35/28 7 19/7 7/7 6/3 5/3 10/9
Villanova 03/09/24 69-67 2 27-60/27-58 .450/.466 13-37/9-20 .351/.450 2-3/4-4 .667-1.000 34/29 5 18/14 10/8 3/3 6/7 6/12
Providence 03/14/24 73-78 -5 22-58/29-70 .379/.414 6-26/6-23 .231/.261 23-26/14-14 .885-1.000 39/40 -1 11/17 11/5 5/3 3/7 13/19
Akron 03/21/24 77-60 17 26-46/25-66 .565/.379 10-17/6-28 .588/.214 15-20/4-6 .750-.667 38/26 12 11/8 14/5 4/1 0/5 12/20
Oregon 03/23/24 86-73 13 29-75/31-77 .387/.403 15-39/7-21 .385/.333 13-14/4-5 .929-.800 48/43 5 16/13 11/9 5/4 6/4 12/14
Tennessee 03/29/24 75-82 -7 26-58/28-67 .448/.418 11-23/11-24 .478/.458 12-13/15-18 .923-.833 34/36 -2 13/16 9/4 2/5 1/5 17/14

Game Highs

  • Team
  • Individual


Team Game High Statistics
Statistic High Opponent
POINTS 109 Central Mich. (12/09/23)
FIELD GOALS MADE 41 Central Mich. (12/09/23)
FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 82 Seton Hall (01/20/24)
3 PT FIELD GOALS MADE 18 Florida A&M (11/07/23)
3 PT FG ATTEMPTS 40 Texas Southern (11/18/23); Nebraska (12/03/23)
FREE THROWS MADE 23 Providence (03/14/24)
FREE THROW ATTEMPTS 29 Alabama (12/16/23)
REBOUNDS 53 Florida A&M (11/07/23)
ASSISTS 28 Central Mich. (12/09/23)
STEALS 10 Seton Hall (02/28/24)
BLOCKED SHOTS 10 Seton Hall (01/20/24)
TURNOVERS 18 Marquette (12/30/23)
FOULS 17 Tennessee (03/29/24)


Individual Game High Statistics
Statistic High Player Opponent
POINTS 31 Alexander,Trey St. John's (NY) (02/25/24)
FIELD GOALS MADE 12 Kalkbrenner,Ryan; Alexander,Trey Seton Hall (01/20/24); Xavier (02/10/24); St. John's (NY) (02/25/24)
FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 23 Kalkbrenner,Ryan; Alexander,Trey Seton Hall (01/20/24); St. John's (NY) (02/25/24)
3 PT FIELD GOALS MADE 7 Scheierman,Baylor Marquette (12/30/23)
3 PT FG ATTEMPTS 19 Scheierman,Baylor Nebraska (12/03/23)
FREE THROWS MADE 9 Ashworth,Steven Providence (03/14/24)
FREE THROW ATTEMPTS 9 Scheierman,Baylor; Kalkbrenner,Ryan; Ashworth,Steven Alabama (12/16/23); Villanova (12/20/23); St. John's (NY) (01/13/24); DePaul (01/27/24); Providence (03/14/24); DePaul (01/09/24)
REBOUNDS 16 Scheierman,Baylor Marquette (03/02/24)
ASSISTS 11 Scheierman,Baylor; Alexander,Trey Georgetown (02/13/24); Marquette (03/02/24)
STEALS 5 Alexander,Trey North Dakota St. (11/11/23)
BLOCKED SHOTS 8 Kalkbrenner,Ryan St. John's (NY) (02/25/24)
TURNOVERS 5 Alexander,Trey; ALEXANDER, Trey; Scheierman,Baylor Iowa (11/14/23); Loyola Chicago (11/22/23); Villanova (12/20/23); Georgetown (01/02/24); St. John's (NY) (02/25/24)
FOULS 4 Scheierman,Baylor; Miller,Mason; Steven Ashworth; Alexander,Trey; Ashworth,Steven; Farabello,Francisco Alabama (12/16/23); Villanova (12/20/23); Xavier (01/23/24); UConn (02/20/24); Providence (03/14/24); Oregon (03/23/24); #1 Connecticut (01/17/24); Seton Hall (01/20/24); Providence (02/07/24); St. John's (NY) (02/25/24); Tennessee (03/29/24)

Category Leaders

  • Pts
  • FG
  • 3PT
  • FT
  • REB
  • AST
  • BLK
  • STL
  • TO
  • PF
  • MIN
  • MISC


Category Leaders - Points
Name GP Pts Pts/G
#55 Scheierman, Baylor 35 647 18.5
#23 Alexander, Trey 35 615 17.6
#11 Kalkbrenner, Ryan 35 604 17.3
#01 Ashworth, Steven 35 390 11.1
#13 Miller, Mason 33 184 5.6
#05 Farabello, Francisco 35 134 3.8
#41 Traudt, Isaac 31 89 2.9
#33 King, Fredrick 30 77 2.6
#00 Green, Jasen 25 39 1.6
#15 Dotzler, Josiah 19 25 1.3
#02 Lawson, Johnathan 17 11 0.6

Field Goals

Category Leaders - Field Goals
#11 Kalkbrenner, Ryan 35 241 373 .646 6.9 10.7
#23 Alexander, Trey 35 232 520 .446 6.6 14.9
#55 Scheierman, Baylor 35 219 489 .448 6.3 14.0
#01 Ashworth, Steven 35 121 307 .394 3.5 8.8
#13 Miller, Mason 33 61 125 .488 1.8 3.8
#05 Farabello, Francisco 35 49 99 .495 1.4 2.8
#33 King, Fredrick 30 32 56 .571 1.1 1.9
#41 Traudt, Isaac 31 30 69 .435 1.0 2.2
#00 Green, Jasen 25 17 26 .654 0.7 1.0
#15 Dotzler, Josiah 19 10 23 .435 0.5 1.2
#02 Lawson, Johnathan 17 4 14 .286 0.2 0.8

Three-Point Field Goals

Category Leaders - 3PT Field Goals
Name GP 3PM 3PA 3P% 3PM/G 3PA/G
#55 Scheierman, Baylor 35 110 289 .381 3.1 8.3
#01 Ashworth, Steven 35 80 229 .349 2.3 6.5
#23 Alexander, Trey 35 62 183 .339 1.8 5.2
#13 Miller, Mason 33 49 108 .454 1.5 3.3
#05 Farabello, Francisco 35 29 69 .420 0.8 2.0
#41 Traudt, Isaac 31 24 57 .421 0.8 1.8
#11 Kalkbrenner, Ryan 35 16 54 .296 0.5 1.5
#15 Dotzler, Josiah 19 2 11 .182 0.1 0.6
#00 Green, Jasen 25 2 7 .286 0.1 0.3
#02 Lawson, Johnathan 17 1 9 .111 0.1 0.5
#33 King, Fredrick 30 0 2 .000 0.0 0.1

Free Throws

Category Leaders - Free Throws
#11 Kalkbrenner, Ryan 35 106 149 .711 3.0 4.3
#55 Scheierman, Baylor 35 99 113 .876 2.8 3.2
#23 Alexander, Trey 35 89 108 .824 2.5 3.1
#01 Ashworth, Steven 35 68 75 .907 1.9 2.1
#33 King, Fredrick 30 13 25 .520 0.4 0.8
#13 Miller, Mason 33 13 18 .722 0.4 0.5
#05 Farabello, Francisco 35 7 10 .700 0.2 0.3
#41 Traudt, Isaac 31 5 6 .833 0.2 0.2
#15 Dotzler, Josiah 19 3 5 .600 0.2 0.3
#00 Green, Jasen 25 3 6 .500 0.1 0.2
#02 Lawson, Johnathan 17 2 3 .667 0.1 0.2


Category Leaders - Rebounds
#55 Scheierman, Baylor 35 315 9.0 26 0.7 289 8.3
#11 Kalkbrenner, Ryan 35 266 7.6 88 2.5 178 5.1
#23 Alexander, Trey 35 201 5.7 18 0.5 183 5.2
#01 Ashworth, Steven 35 116 3.3 12 0.3 104 3.0
#13 Miller, Mason 33 108 3.3 29 0.9 79 2.4
#TM Team 35 90 2.6 44 1.3 46 1.3
#05 Farabello, Francisco 35 73 2.1 9 0.3 64 1.8
#33 King, Fredrick 30 65 2.2 25 0.8 40 1.3
#00 Green, Jasen 25 43 1.7 23 0.9 20 0.8
#41 Traudt, Isaac 31 38 1.2 15 0.5 23 0.7
#02 Lawson, Johnathan 17 12 0.7 4 0.2 8 0.5
#15 Dotzler, Josiah 19 7 0.4 1 0.1 6 0.3


Category Leaders - Assists
#23 Alexander, Trey 35 165 4.7
#01 Ashworth, Steven 35 148 4.2
#55 Scheierman, Baylor 35 138 3.9
#05 Farabello, Francisco 35 51 1.5
#11 Kalkbrenner, Ryan 35 44 1.3
#13 Miller, Mason 33 13 0.4
#41 Traudt, Isaac 31 11 0.4
#00 Green, Jasen 25 7 0.3
#02 Lawson, Johnathan 17 5 0.3
#15 Dotzler, Josiah 19 3 0.2
#33 King, Fredrick 30 3 0.1

Blocked Shots

Category Leaders - Blocked Shots
#11 Kalkbrenner, Ryan 35 107 3.1
#23 Alexander, Trey 35 15 0.4
#33 King, Fredrick 30 8 0.3
#55 Scheierman, Baylor 35 5 0.1
#05 Farabello, Francisco 35 3 0.1
#13 Miller, Mason 33 2 0.1
#00 Green, Jasen 25 1 0.0
#02 Lawson, Johnathan 17 1 0.1
#41 Traudt, Isaac 31 1 0.0


Category Leaders - Steals
#23 Alexander, Trey 35 38 1.1
#55 Scheierman, Baylor 35 32 0.9
#05 Farabello, Francisco 35 19 0.5
#01 Ashworth, Steven 35 17 0.5
#11 Kalkbrenner, Ryan 35 13 0.4
#13 Miller, Mason 33 7 0.2
#15 Dotzler, Josiah 19 3 0.2
#33 King, Fredrick 30 2 0.1
#41 Traudt, Isaac 31 2 0.1
#00 Green, Jasen 25 1 0.0


Category Leaders - Turnovers
#23 Alexander, Trey 35 86 2.5
#55 Scheierman, Baylor 35 78 2.2
#01 Ashworth, Steven 35 54 1.5
#11 Kalkbrenner, Ryan 35 52 1.5
#05 Farabello, Francisco 35 31 0.9
#TM Team 35 27 0.8
#13 Miller, Mason 33 13 0.4
#33 King, Fredrick 30 9 0.3
#00 Green, Jasen 25 8 0.3
#15 Dotzler, Josiah 19 7 0.4
#41 Traudt, Isaac 31 4 0.1
#02 Lawson, Johnathan 17 3 0.2

Personal Fouls

Category Leaders - Personal Fouls
#01 Ashworth, Steven 35 68 1.9
#11 Kalkbrenner, Ryan 35 66 1.9
#23 Alexander, Trey 35 61 1.7
#55 Scheierman, Baylor 35 58 1.7
#05 Farabello, Francisco 35 50 1.4
#13 Miller, Mason 33 34 1.0
#33 King, Fredrick 30 29 1.0
#41 Traudt, Isaac 31 16 0.5
#00 Green, Jasen 25 9 0.4
#15 Dotzler, Josiah 19 7 0.4
#02 Lawson, Johnathan 17 5 0.3


Category Leaders - Minutes
#23 Alexander, Trey 35 1305 37.3
#55 Scheierman, Baylor 35 1285 36.7
#11 Kalkbrenner, Ryan 35 1216 34.7
#01 Ashworth, Steven 35 1109 31.7
#05 Farabello, Francisco 35 765 21.9
#13 Miller, Mason 33 718 21.8
#41 Traudt, Isaac 31 269 8.7
#33 King, Fredrick 30 192 6.4
#00 Green, Jasen 25 180 7.2
#15 Dotzler, Josiah 19 77 4.1
#02 Lawson, Johnathan 17 59 3.5

Assist / Turnover Ratio

Category Leaders - Assist / Turnover Ratio
#01 Ashworth, Steven 35 148 54 2.74
#41 Traudt, Isaac 31 11 4 2.75
#23 Alexander, Trey 35 165 86 1.92
#05 Farabello, Francisco 35 51 31 1.65
#02 Lawson, Johnathan 17 5 3 1.67
#13 Miller, Mason 33 13 13 1.00
#55 Scheierman, Baylor 35 138 78 1.77
2023-24 Men's Basketball Cumulative Statistics (2024)


How many points does NC State average a game? ›

Team Stats (26-15, 9-11)
StatisticNC StateOpponents
Per Game9.612.2
Assist/Turnover Ratio1.41.1
32 more rows

How many points does Marquette average a game? ›

Team Stats (27-10, 14-6)
Points Per Game78.169.8
Scoring Margin8.2--
FG: Made-Attempted1078-2256919-2156
32 more rows

How many points does Missouri average? ›

Team Stats (8-24, 0-18)
Points Per Game PPG72.276.2
32 more rows

How many points does Purdue average per game? ›

Team Stats (34-5, 17-3)
Per Game11.39.4
Assist/Turnover Ratio1.61.5
32 more rows

How many points do basketball players average per game? ›

Average points per game have been steadily increasing since 2011, and it's likely they will continue their current trend. “If you look at month by month in the NBA, scoring increases as the month goes on,” said Locke, meaning the current average of 115.6 ppg will likely increase by the end of this season.

Is NC State men's basketball good? ›

The Wolfpack has won a total of 18 conference tournament championships and 13 regular season conference titles. State has appeared in the NCAA tournament 29 times, with four Final Four appearances (1950, 1974, 1983, 2024) and two national titles (1974, 1983).

How many points does Creighton average per game? ›

Team Stats (25-10, 14-6)
Per Game10.67.6
Assist/Turnover Ratio1.61.5
32 more rows

How many points does UConn basketball average per game? ›

Team Stats (37-3, 18-2)
Points Per Game PPG81.463.4
32 more rows

Why did Marquette change their name? ›

Mascot and nickname

Marquette's intercollegiate athletic teams were the "Warriors" from May 1954 to July 1994, when the nickname was changed to the "Golden Eagles," on the grounds that previous logos had been disrespectful to Native Americans.

How many points does Kansas State average? ›

Team Stats (19-15, 8-10)
StatisticKansas St.Opponents OPP
Points Per Game PPG72.271.1
Scoring Margin Margin1.1--
FG: Made-Attempted FGM-FGA837-1919849-2068
32 more rows

How many points does Michigan average? ›

Team Stats (8-24, 3-17)
StatisticMichiganOpponents OPP
Total Points TOT23342528
Points Per Game PPG72.979.0
Scoring Margin Margin-6.1--
32 more rows

How many points in Colorado? ›

1. How many points on a Colorado license trigger a suspension?
DriverPoints triggering a Colorado license suspension
Adults 21 and older12 points in a 12-month period, or 18 points in a 24-month period.
3 more rows

Who has the most points in Purdue basketball history? ›

1Zach Edey2,516
2Rick Mount2,323
3Joe Barry Carroll2,179
4E'Twaun Moore2,136
6 more rows

How many points are normally scored in college basketball? ›

Average Points In College Basketball Game

During most seasons, the average college basketball team will score between 72 and 75 points per game on average. That means the average game features between 145 and 150 points, or a little bit more than the average points scored in a March Madness final championship game.

How many points does Eli Ellis average per game? ›

Eli averages 33.4 points per game, nearly 10 more than the second-leading scorer.

How many points is the average college football game? ›

Points Per Game
Army - 56.0 (1944)
94North Carolina State24.3
128 more rows

How many points does UNC average per game? ›

Team Stats (29-8, 17-3)
StatisticNorth CarolinaOpponents
Points Per Game81.970.5
Scoring Margin11.5--
FG: Made-Attempted1046-2323935-2281
32 more rows

What is NC State's average ACT score? ›

Students that get into NC State have an average SAT score between 1280-1460 or an average ACT score of 28-33. The regular admissions application deadline for NC State is January 15. Interested students can apply for early action, and the NC State early action deadline is November 1.

How many points is Duke averaging a game? ›

Team Stats (27-9, 15-6)
Points Per Game PPG78.666.3
32 more rows

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