The Daily Republican from Monongahela, Pennsylvania (2024)

2 2 2 DECEMBER 18, 1939 THE DAILY REPUBLICAN MONONGAHEIA PA PAGE SEVEN A SHIP'S SUICIDE As Described By Eye Witness Who Watched From Airplane. (Continued trom Page 1) The pilot turned his plane directly over the Admiral Graf Spec. She lay at about a 45 degree angle to the line of flight. The plane was just above her midship section, at an elevation of 2,000 feet, when the sheet of red leaped out of her funnel, soaring up toward the plane, Almost at once, another blast broke through the ship near the bow, sending up smoke which hid the Admiral Graf Spee from midships to bow. The pilot dove and it seemed his right wing would touch the stern, so low did he go.

Then a third blast tore through the stern deck plates and great billows of smoke arose, hiding the ship completely. The correspondent and the pilot circled awhile, watching the flames and the smoke, occasionally seeing the flames quicken and brighten as a new explosion went off. The roar of the propellor prevented the roar of the explosions being audible. Returning to the airport, the plane circled the Tacoma again. The Admiral Graf Spee's crew was there- so many men it might have been her entrie crew.

They were standing still at attention, 'facing their ship. HITLER FURTHER PONDERS. IN SHIP SCUTTLING CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES for three lines AFPROXIMATELY 12 to 15 WORDS Cash Charge One 25c 500 Three Insertions 60c 95c 3even Insertions $1.20 $1.70 Each additional line (Five average words) Insertions 3-5 Insertions ...70 6-7 Insertions 6c 30 ar more The Daily Republican will only be responsible for the first incorrect insertion of any advertisem*nt tor errors ads given the telephone; omission of chayoyor errors which do not lessen the value of the advertisem*nt will nct be corrected by 'make good' insertions; al. ads carrying a box numher are confidential, and no information about same will be given. The only way to reach these parties is by letter.

The right is reserved to revise or reject any copy. NOTICE Funeral Notices JOHNSON G. Johnson, 70, at home of son, C. M. Johnson, 1014 Thomas Dec.

16, 1939, at 4 p. m. Funeral from Bebout Yohe Co. Funeral Home, Second with services Dec. 19, 1939 at 2 p.

m. Officiating pastors: Rev. Adolph Anderson, West End Baptist, Pittsburgh, and Rev. C. K.

Boyer, First Baptist, city. Burial Monongahela cemetery. B. FOR SALE 19 Miscellaneous For Sale McCray refrigerator, suitable for grocery store or meat market. Phone Finleyville 25-R-4 or details.

16-19-p 8 M.M. movie camera or projector. Practically new. Real barrain. Write Box 290 Daily Rep.

d15-18-c Tor Sale-8 foot show case. Inquire at The Daily Republican office. 22-tf-nc Coal For Sale A-1 6 ft. R-M Pgh. Coal.

$2.75 on delivered. Mail your order to Trank Beroes, R. D. 2, Finleyville. d15-22-D ligh Quality Furnace Coal Run of Mine dumped $2.50.

DRY RUN COAL. Phone 383-J. n18-d23-p nsist on Grade A 6 ft. coal. Call your trucker or Black Diamond Coal Co.

Phone 780. a28-tf-c HABSON COAL-RM and Screen. For Special Prices, see Stephen pinner, Phone 4113-R-3. A24-tfc Miners and Distributors of LIGGETT COAL -PGH. VEIN We specialize in stoker coal KOGELMAN, Phone 825 n3-d8-c Jewelry or Christmas, give a keepsake diamond, a gift for a lifetime.

110 SECOND ST. 7-13-p 2 Poultry turkeys, chickens, live or dressed. resh eggs. Mrs. Harry Flanigan, Finleyville, Phone 114-R-4.

d12-22-p Miscellaneous DEAD OR ALIVETorses, cows, mules removed ithout charge. Phone Wash. 2758; reensburg 2627. Reverse phone marges. Quick and dependable serce; any time of day or night.

AVE YOU RECEIVED OUR THERMOMETER? PITTSBURGH MELTING CO. A20-D31c RENTALS Unfurnished Rooms OR RENT-3 rooms on first floor in country home. Phone Finleyville 25-R-12. 18-20-c OR RENT Four unfurnished rcoms. Inquire Bidzila Bros.

East Main Street. 18-c 48 Furnished Apartments AUTOMOTIVE 76 Automobiles For Sale 2 well furnished light housekeeping rooms. Hot water heat. All modern conveniences. 303 Second 500 street.

13-tf-c 95c '36 DeSoto overdrive, $325, '29 Ford Coupe, new tires, $45. '35 Plymouth Sedan, $145. BARNEY'S GARAGE, Courtney. tf I ENTERTAINMENT Tonight Palace Restaurant-2 shows nightly Phil Cavezza's Ted Delmonico, Magician, Gerry Richards, Vocalist. For reservations phone 9980 Hotel Clearview-4th St.

Extension Featuring Streamlined Trio every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. d11-18-c 70, at ELMER'S TAVERN ROUTE 51, LARGE, PA. Featuring Radio Blues Singer Jean Parker, Art Harbert's Orch. ORCHESTRA EVERY NIGHT OUT WHERE THE FUN BEGINS n30-j5-c Dine and Dance very Night Orchestra Saturday Night HOTEL MAIN LEGAL ADVERTISING ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Annie G. Teeters, deceased, late of Monongahela, Washington County, Pennsylvania.

Letters of Administration C. T. A. upon the above estate having been granted to the undersigned. notice is hereby given to those indebted thereto to make immediate payment and to those having claims or demands to present them for settlement.

George T. Linn, Administrator C. T. A. 236 Chess Street Monongahela, Pa.

Nov. 13-20-27; Dec. 4-11-18, 1939 I STREET DEPT. (Continued From Page 1) e. Communication 50.00 g.

Other 25.00 h. Total 375.00 IV. Highways- 131 Engineering Operation and maintenance a. Salaries of engineers and assistants $1,680.00 C. Office supplies.

50.00 d. Communication and transportation (1) Telephone 60.00 (3) Total $1,790.00 132 Streets and Bridges Operation and Maintenance a. Salary cf Foreman $1,500.00 b. Wages of laborers 6,500.00 C. Materials and supplies 700.00 (3) Read materials 2,800.00 (6) Total $11,500.00 f.

Equipment (1) Maintenance and repairs 250.00 (2) Gas and Oil 600.00 850.00 g. Insurance (1) Liability 110.00 (2) Compensation 275.00 385.00 i. Total operation and maintenance 134 Street lighting $10,100.00 Total Highways. 135 Operation and maintenance $25,000.00 MAN STRUCK (Continued from Page 9) ron stepped from between parked cars. It was Donora's second fatal motor accident of the.

Safron is survived by a son, John, of Donora, and a daughtor living in the Southside, Donora police said that any legal action in the accident would have to be initiated by Deputy Coroner R. R. Schwerha, of Donora. Despite mild December weather and favorable motoring conditions, the death traffic toll in Allegheny county mounted for the month and year as two deaths in the city of Whom to Call Consult the ads listed below when you are in need of specialized service. If your needk cannot be filled from these columns, call The Classified Department, The Daily Republican.

Phone 700 for further information. Moving-Hauling-Storage WILLIAMS TRANSFER COAL- -MOVING -HAULING Call J. E. Williams, 85-J. a4-tf-c 13 Newspaper Advertising First Everybody who reads, Reads a Newspaper.

LETTERS. TO SANTA 310 8th St. Monongahela, Pa. Dear Santa: I am five years old and a good girl. Please bring me a baby doll with hair, a stove, a toy refrigerator, a a sled, a bicycle, a blackboard and a a a a a small piano.

Please bring Mother some candy and cigarettes for Daddy. Your friend, Kay Peters Dear Santa: I have to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a Shirley Temple doll and I want a dity doll and some clothes and some cups and saucers and some big dishes and some clothes for the dolls and a table and chairs, and that is all, Santa Claus. P. S.

I am seven years old. Dear. Santa Claus: Please bring my Daddy a pair of shoes and a pair of pants and some suspenders and some glasses and some ties and shirts. From your friend, Joanie Rocco, 710 West Alley Monongahela, Pa. And I wish you a Merry Christ! mas.

Monongahela, Pa. December 14, 1939 Dear Santa: I am a little girl six and a half years old. I am in the second grade. Please ring me a doll without hair, some doll clothes, a high chair for my doll, a new dress for myself, and some candy. Don't forget my brother, Buddy, and my little cousin Sally Ann in Donora.

She is only two. Thank you Santa. Your friend, Barbara Ann Underwood Courtney, Pa. December 14, 1939 Dear Santa: I am a boy of 10. I do my best at school and listen to Mother and Dad.

It would make me very happy if ycu would bring me a fountain pen, typewriter, bicycle, and a combination book. I thank you in advance. Yaur pal, Bobby Barney P. hot cup of coffee with a piece of apple pie will await you. Elrama, Dec.

15, 1939 Dear Santa: I am a little boy four year old. I have tried to be a good boy. would like for you to bring me these things if you can fit down our chimney. A big bike, soldiers, steam roller, candy and nuts. Your little pal, Sailor Wa'lters P.

S. Don't forget my girl friend. Finleyville, Pa. Dear Santa: I'm a part time good girl. I go to school.

I am 6 years old. I would like you to bring me a doll, sewing machine, ironing board, some books, nuts candy and fruit. Please bring my brother a bicycle, wagon, horn and a foot ball. Don't forget other poor children. Your Pal, Louetta and Johnny Perry P.

brother is only 2 years old and he is a good boy. Pittsburgh and two in the county made a total of 12 persons killed in the city and nine in the county during December. Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas, 53, Sharpsburg, and Francis Herlehy, 27, McKeesport, were the Allegheny county victims. Mrs.

Thomas was killed by an automobile allegedly driven by Joe Chadonic, 20, of Blawnox, Duquesne University football player. The accident occurred in Freeport road and Chadonic was ordered to post bond pending an inquest. Herlehy died in Homestead hospital after his car collided with a milk truck in Lebanon Church Road near the Airport. James Botti, 23, of Buffington, was virtually decapitated yesterday when the car in which he was riding went off the highway, near Uniontown, hit a guard rail and the car door was forced into the car, hitting Bottl's head. Three others in the car escaped injury.

2 16 1. 1 1 2 Fancy Turkeys LIVE OR DRESSED DUNLEVY'S PHONE 274-J A THREE WAIVE EXTRADITION (Continued from Page 1) The prisoners, Charles Pegg, William Jones and Floyd Goodwin, all 19 years old, were reported to have admitted the kidnaping and robbery of James Campbell, Connellsville market proprietor last Dec. 3. They obtained $1,500 in the robbery, it was reported. The three youths were taken into custody by Immigration authorities at El Paso last week as they sought to re-enter the country, Three state motor pelice have left for El Paso to bring them to Connellsville, the FBI said, The federal complaint, charging municated to United States Ambassador Joseph Grew by the Japanese Foreign Minister, during one of a series of conferences seeking alleviation of strain on relations between the two countries and looking forward to the first of the year when the United States cancellation of its commercial treaty with Japan becomes effective.

The conference was described as conciliatory but the material effects of re-opening the Yangtze will depend upon the restrictions land regulations laid down by the Japanese army and navy, which have been fostering Japanese commerce in the river basin while barring other trade on the grounds that war makes the area unsafe. them with violating the federal fugitive act, will be dropped here upon their return to Fayette county, the FBI said because the state charges take precedence. OBITUARY CARL G. JOHNSON Carl G. Jounson, 70, died Saturday afternoon at four o'clock at the home of his son, Carl Johnson, 1014 Thomas street.

He had been ill since last summer. Mr. Johnson was a native of Sweden, born at Sundsball, December 24, 1868. He formerly resided in North Braddock, visiting here frequently with his son, with whom he had lived since last April. Surviving with the local man is another son, Gustof Johnson of Swissvale; one sister, Mrs.

John Wikberg of Salem, Oregon; one brother, Jonas Johnson of Hopkins, Michigan; three grand-children. scuttled by its own crew in the North Atlantic to escape capture by Allied warships--the 20th German ship to take such action. protested to Uruguay that insufficient time had been given the Graf Spee, battered lest week in a battle with British cruisers off the South American coast. to make repairs before being forced to put to sea again against massed Allied warships off the mouth of the river Plate. Adolf Hitler ordered the Graf Spee blown up rather than risk defeat or capture by the British and the order was carried out at sunset Sunday.

The crew of more than 900 men landed in Uruguay for internment or was believed to be en route to Buencs Aires. Uruguay arrested four German seamen technically charged with blowing up the battleship. of the Western hemisphere, including the United States were expected to take further action in line with the recentlycreated Pan-American "Safety Zone" in an effort to prevent future battles close to North or South America. the Far East announcement by Japan of plans for partial re-opening of trade on the Yangtze river in China was believed to be an encouraging factor in efforts to reach a settlement of differences with the United States. The Japanese decision was com- (Continued from Page 1) BIDZILA BROS.

115-117 E. Main St. Phone 78 A A CHRISTMAS TREES From up 25c Make Bidzila Bros, your headquarters for Christmas trees. 2 2 2. 4.

Open Evenings Free Delivery SECESSI $1.50 $1.50 FREE FREE EVERYDAY EVERYDAY See Details Below See Details Below SANTA FOR SHOPPERS WASHY'S HOTEL Special Rates by the Week Home Cooked Meals at All Hours COMPLETE LINE OF SEA FOOD Phone Your Order 9193 TOYS -Lowest Prices Largest Selection USE OUR LAY-A-WAY PLAN Open Every Nite 'till Christmas SUN WALLPAPER PAINT CO. See BILL POLASKI About That Portable Typewriter for Christmas All Makes Easy Terms' BENTLEY THEATRE SUNDAY MONDAY Lew Ayres Lionel Barrymore In 'THE SECRET OF DR. KILDARE' Wondering What To Do These Winter Evenings? Why not come down to see us OPEN EVERY DAY NEW MOON BOWLING ALLEYS Friends will be received at the Bebout and Yohe Company Funeral home, Chess and Second street, with services there tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock, in charge of the Reverend Adolph Anderson, pastor of the West End Baptist church, Pittsburgh, and the Reverend Carl K. Boyer, pastor of the First Baptist church, this city. Interment will be in the Monongahela cemetery.

Courtney, Pa. Dec. 15, 1939 Dear Santa: I am 8 years old. I love Mamma and Dad. I want an umbrella, ring, wrist-watch and a story book.

Frances Barney P.S. Please den't forget my two brothers and Mother and Dad. for HER A Woman's Problem -Her Figure What Is Your Problem? A SPENCER Can Correct It MAE W. CHATTAWAY 783 Railroad St. Phone 116 WAGNERS TEA ROOM Features Whitman Reymers Sole Agents For the Famous STOVER CANDIES 415.

McKean Charleroi We Can Take Care of Every Member of The Family TOYS ELECTRICAL GIFTS MYERS MYERS CHRISTMAS CARDS for EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY New Line of Leather Goods See The New DOPPKIT FROST NEWS STORE You Will Have Little Trouble in Selecting That Pair of Christmas Slippers From Our Stock A. D. ALLEN Every Woman Yearns For A Gift of Beauty Come in Today For the Ultimate In Yule Gifts Rose Garbart Beauty Salon Phone 390 314 Fifth St. CHUCKLE CONTEST WINNERS TRADE CERTIFICATES WILL BE REDEEMED IN MERCHANDISE AT ANY OF THE MERCHANTS LISTED HERE. WAGNERS TEA ROOM MAE W.


ALLEN FROST NEWS STORE BIDZILA BROS. SPAN HIRSCH MARGARET MURPHY BONDASCHA'S BAKERY SUN WALL PAPER ANTON BENTLEY GRODECOURS BYERS DAVE'S CLOTHES SHOP MOTHER MEN ONLY Wednesday Friday Nights Before Christmas Men-Now is Your Chance MARGARET MURPHY'S SHOP We Carry The Latest In KODAKS-FOUNTAIN PENS TOILET GOODS, DRESSER SETS Be sure to give a fashionable Gift SPAN HIRSCH DELICIOUS FRUIT CAKE Light, lb 45c-Dark, lb. 55c Full of Fruits and Nuts Order Now Phone 740 BONDASCHA'S BAKERY Bibles, Billfolds, Parker Shaeffer Pens, Games, Costume Jewelry, Gift Stationery, BILL POLASKI'S. for BROTHER Robes- Shirts Ties Socks- Sweaters Suits and Topcoats BECKER'S Main 3rd St. Phone 816 GRODECOURS V-BEST IN GIFTS Drugs and Optical Services GRODECOURS Phone 78 115 E.

Main St. Mickey Johnny BIDZILA BROS. MARKET We have Service When You Want It DAVE'S CLOTHES SHOP Buy Your New Suit and Topcoat NOW Use Our 10-Payment Plan Christmas Time is an Expensive Time, so make your dollar g0 Farther Instead of Faster DRUGS DRY GOODS BYERS We Have a Few UNCALLED FOR SUITS Will sell at Bargain Prices See Us Before Going Elsewhere DAVIS, THE TAILOR. ANTON THEATRE When A Boy From Bali Meets A Manhattan Molly, its "HONEYMOON IN BALI" Sunday, Monday, Tuesday GIFT SUGGESTIONS Socks 35c and 50c-Suspenders 50c and New Line TRIMBLE HATS $3.95, $5.00 DAVE TURRI- MEN'S SHOP FREE! SANTA'S FREE! $1.50 "Chuckle Contest" $1.50 EVERY DAY EVERY DAY SEE DETAILS BELOW Read the CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS' GUIDE very carefully and Those received after 5 P. M.

will be considered with all others of one or more lines) from the following day. Mail or bring your entry. Address it to: select one line of type (not just a part 3 or more separate advertisem*nts. Combine the lines into one CHUCKLE AD CONTEST care EDITOR, THE WANT AD DEhumorous paragraph similar to those shown in the sample PARTMENT, The Dally Republican, "Chuckle Ads" below. Name the advertisers from whose ad you take the lines; also The winner each day will be announced in the box below; each state the particular heading the ad is under.

Only ads from the day's winner will be announced three days later. All persons 16 Christmas Shoppers' Guide are considered in the contest.Do' not years of age or over are eligible. Watch this page for winner's include the regular Classified Ads! name. No Daily Republican Employees or their familles are eligible. In case of a tie the more attractive entry will be adFor the best "CHUCKLE AD" turned in every day, THE DAILY judged the winner.

Judges' decision will be final. REPUBLICAN will award a prize of $1.50. These awards will 1 be made in trade certificates which will be accepted as cash by any merchant who advertises in the Christmas Shoppers' Guide. All entries given consideration. All entries must bear the date All "CHUCKLE ADS' must be received in THE DAILY RE- of the paper from which the lines are taken for the CHUCKLE PUBLICAN office by 5 p.

m. the following day for each day's AD along with the name and address of the contestant. Keep contest. trying until you win. Contest closes DECEMBER 21ST.


W. HARRIS Margaret Murphy's Shop for DAD Moving and Storage AL ZEFFIRO TRANSFER 8th Meldon. Phone Donora 609-J. m11-tf 44A Cleaning' WE. KLEEN KLOTHES KLEEN DAVE TURRI 161 Main St.

Phone 810..

The Daily Republican from Monongahela, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

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Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.